

Meet & Greet - 15 min - FREE

Not sure where to start? A free consult helps you figure out what options you may wish to explore to get your questions answered!

First Visit + Chiropractic Appointment - $137 (60-75 min)

Comprehensive History + Physical Examination + Report of Findings + Strategic Plan + Chiropractic + Soft Tissue + Rehab + Cold Laser + Medical Acupuncture.

Follow-Up Chiropractic Appointment - $75 (30 min)

Chiropractic + Soft Tissue + Rehab + Cold Laser

Follow-Up Chiropractic Appointment + Medical Acupuncture - $100 (45 min)

Chiropractic + Soft Tissue + Rehab + Cold Laser + Medical Acupuncture

Extended Chiropractic Visit + Medical Acupuncture - $130 (60 min)

Chiropractic Appointment for patients needing more time due to complexity of condition

Custom Orthotics - $500

Custom Orthotics plaster casting + 1 Pair of Custom Orthotics

*Cancellation & Late Policy*